How to Get Involved in “Year of the Sunflower”


July 2015-

The biggest way to get involved this year is by entering in our new exhibit categories made especially for this year’s theme!  The Farm Photography Contest has added “Year of the Sunflower” categories for Youth and Adults.  The Educational Department has added a special youth “Year of the Sunflower” poster contest as well.  Adults have always been able to enter their sunflower plants into the fair, but this year only there will be a youth category as well!  If you don’t have any sunflower seeds lying around, no worries!  Youth can pick up special made sunflower kits at the Topsfield Fair!

This Year the Topsfield fair is partnering with organizations to distribute out sunflower kits!  We’re distributing these kits to 37 libraries across the North Shore, and have already distributed over 2,000 participants!  You could say we’re pretty excited to see all those sunflowers come fair time!

Each kit may contain any of the following; materials for each participant to start their own sunflower garden, supplies for a special sunflower craft, custom Year of the Sunflower Sticks, and/or Topsfield Fair Year of the Sunflower Activity Books!