
Awarded Scholarships

July 2020-

The Essex Agricultural Society, which runs the Topsfield Fair, recently distributed $28,000 in scholarships to students graduating from 10 local high schools.

This year’s scholarship recipients include: Sophia Carter of Amesbury; Karoline Jacobs of Newbury; Emily Riter and Sarah Riter, both of Groveland; Miranda Urbanski of Beverly; Katelyn Ellsworth, Ezra Lombardi and Colby Thomson of Danvers; Rilee Newhall of Gloucester; David Butt of Haverhill; Laura Farnum and Noah Freedman, both of North Andover; Nicole Fortado of Peabody; and Jessica Bermudez and Henry Mulholland of Topsfield.

Included in these scholarships are recipients from the Charles E. Larner Family Foundation Scholarship Fund, the Essex County Farm Bureau Association and the Essex County Fruit Growers Association.

In the last 10 years, the Essex Agricultural Society has awarded nearly $450,000 in scholarships to local high school seniors.