ABC’s of the Fair
August 2011-
ABC’s of the Fair!
A-ll about agriculture
B-ee Building has 4 observation hives with a total of 16,000 honey bees
C-ow Barn hosts 60 cows and calves
D-uring the fair, there can be at least 30 volunteers and demonstrators at any one time in Coolidge Hall alone
E-xibitors can be any age
F-udge served in over 25 different flavors
G-o Green With Us!
H-allamore Clydesdale 8-Horse Hitch
I-ntense Competition in the Food Contests in Coolidge Hall
J-unior King and Queen held for kids ages 5-8
K-idde Land, the perfect spot for young children to go on rides
L-argest Pumpkin ever at the fair weighed 1,689lb
M-idway, buy your discounted tickets now!
N-umerous Newborn Piglets are in the Pig Barn
O-ne pair of oxen here weigh 5,800 lbs.
P-oultry Building has an average of 28 different kinds of chicken
Q-uilts on display in Coolidge Hall average around 70 per year
R-abbit and Cavie Barn is home to 200 Rabbits and Cavies
S-everal different groups display their interests in conserving wildlife, wetlands and the environment in the Sportsman Building
T-alented artists demonstrating their work
U-nbelievable Entertainment
V-olunteers who are a huge part of making the fair run on a daily basis
W-e hatch approximately 1,200 eggs during the fair
X-tra special family fun
Y-oung and old LOVE the Topsfield Fair
Z-ipping from booth to booth, shopping at the Topsfield Fair