8 Things You Simply Need to Know About Our Enhanced Security

July 2013-

  1. The Topsfield Fair is being proactive. We know that if there had ever been an incident, we would have regretted not being as prepared as possible and not doing everything we could to prevent it. There have been no threats of any kind, we simply want to be educated and keep ourselves and our patrons safe.

  1. The Topsfield Fair has been working for the past few months to develop new and improved security measures. With the help of several groups including our own staff, Topsfield Police Department, Topsfield Fire Department, Massachusetts State Police, ATF, and others, we have ensured that the Topsfield Fair, the oldest agricultural fair in America, will stay as exciting, fun, and safe (if not more!) as it has been for the past 195 years.

  1. The motto for our enhanced security this year is “See Something, Say Something”. If you see something or someone that seems out of place or makes you feel uncomfortable, it is imperative that you tell a security guard or police officer as soon as possible. Chances are the person is just a little off-beat, or the backpack was forgotten, but we’d rather you speak up and be safe. Police officers and security will be stationed at every gate, as well as throughout the grounds.

  1. Topsfield Fair will be searching every container/bag that comes onto the Fairgrounds. This includes diaper bags, purses, backpacks, coolers, etc. The rules for what you can and cannot bring onto the Fair have not changed – just use your common sense. Materials to disguise yourself, weapons, drugs, and other illegal paraphernalia, will, of course, not be permitted.

  1. We have approximately 200 employees trained to be up-to-date and knowledgeable about our new security. This includes a combination of new and returning employees. We are also welcoming a large group of volunteers from the US Air Force who will be assisting our security efforts. They are all at the Fair to help you, so take advantage of it if you have concerns or questions!

  1. Using these 200 employees, we hope to keep the lines moving at the same pace as past years. But, if you’re concerned about lines, we’ll also have an “Express Line” at each gate for people who don’t have bags/containers.

  1. Like in past years, if you need to step outside of the gate, you’ll be allowed back in for free, all day. However, if you are with a group and it is possible to safely leave your bags/containers with them, we suggest doing so. Even if you are just running to your car, your bags will have to be re-checked. Leave the cooler with your spouse, grab a diaper from the car, and head to the express line! Presto – you’re back in seconds!

  2. For the past few years, there have been undercover detectives on grounds throughout the Fair. They roam the grounds, just like you, but are on the lookout to ensure that everyone is having a safe, smart, and enjoyable trip to the Fair.